6 Ways To Help Out And Elderly Neighbor

As our population ages, an increasing number of seniors are living alone or with another senior. If you have elderly neighbors, you may be wondering if there's something you can do to help. Absolutely! The elderly often have illnesses or impairments that make doing everyday tasks difficult. Here are some ways you can have a positive impact on their lives. Offer to Provide Transportation If you're going to the store anyway, why not invite your neighbor along, or see if you can pick something up while you're there?

Three Exercises To Help Heal Your Heels If You Have Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis, the heel pain sometimes referred to as "runner's heel," is one of the most common causes of foot pain. It's caused by irritation of the plantar fascia, the connective tissue that runs from the heel to the toes, supporting the arch of your foot. The pain it causes can be frustrating to manage and difficult to stop. However, there are three exercises that you can use to help heal your heel.

You Could Go Blind If You Ignore These 4 Diseases

Many diseases that affect the eyes can be completely cured if treated soon enough. Some diseases are chronic, but with treatment, you can have normal eyesight. A few diseases can make you lose your sight if you don't get help. If you have any signs of the following diseases, get in to your eye doctor at a place like Forest Hills Retina Center for an exam, before your sight becomes permanently affected.

5 Holiday Tips For Those Taking Care Of Relatives With Alzheimer's

The holiday season can be stressful for those providing in home care for elderly relatives, particularly if memory loss or full-fledged Alzheimer's is part of the picture. If you've got a loved one living with you who suffers from either of these conditions, you naturally want to make the holidays enjoyable for them while keeping your own stress levels down. Here are five strategies to help you accomplish that: Encourage Family and Friends to Send Greeting Cards

4 Common Eye Problems In Children And Their Treatment

Eye problems can affect anyone at any time, but they are quite common in children. Check out these four eye problems that are common in children. Learn how to treat them to improve the wellbeing and health of your child. Myopia For eyes to see clearly, light must focus on the retina. However with myopia or nearsightedness, the eyeball is too long, and the cornea is too curved. This causes the light to focus in front of the cornea.